Healing and Energy

The biggest problem facing humanity is ... undiagnosed and untreated mental illness. If you suspect you have problems, are a substance abuser and feel out of control, get professional help today. You owe it to yourself to get evaluated by a psychiatrist, not psychologist, so you understand your emotional problems and learning disabilities. These can then be traced to family genetics, cultural patterning and abuses in your life. As there is generally a chemical imbalance in the brain, finding the correct
medication is most often needed, followed by the quest into metaphysics to find a healing modality and practitioner who can help you at that point of your life. Often alternative medicine practices can provide as much or more benefit in treatment than traditional medicine. As human consciousness evolves, it takes everything else with it, including the healing grid.

When the person is ready to heal, the doctor or healer will be there. All healing must first be addressed at the emotional level of the person, for it is there the physical illness or accident was created. If not, the symptoms will manifest again in another way. We move from personal healing to an often overwhelming need to heal others and do energy work to creating balance, which opens psychic abilites and personal power lost in the physical and to satisfy a feeling of 'mission here.' This goes to final awakening and understanding the truth behind the illusion - reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time - it's all a virtual experience.
Tags: Healing and Energy, samda, The Science of Energy Healing, Intuitive Energy Healing, Natural Healing,


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Professor Dr. Abdul Samad Musafir, PhD in Alternative Medicines is a brilliant researcher and an International author of many books. He is acclaimed as the Prince of Healing and is recipient of Quaid-e-Azam Gold Medal Award. Acknowledged as one of the golden personalities of Pakistan he is founder of Zheel Sciences Institute, SAMDA Products Private Limited and is also the President of SAMADA Welfare Trust.

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