10 Tips Of Healing Based On Food

It is said that the food is one of the principal bases of the health. If you always want to stay very healthy and young, and to forget doctors, medicines and pharmacies, it continues these laws of the food and you will see that in addition to the previous thing, you have energy in abundance and very much fortitude. Some of the following Tips were taken of The laws of healing, of Dr. Bernard Jensen, which it mentions in his book The nature it has the remedy, of Publishing house Yug, Mexico.

Here we share you this basic beginning for the health:

1. Raw food: more of 50 % of the food that you eat must be raw.

2. The diet must have 80 % of alkalinity and 20 % acid.

3. There must be consumed every day 6 vegetables, 2 fruits, a starch and a protein.

4. Variety: The food must be changed every day.

5. To eat sufficiently: do not eat up to feeling "full". It is necessary to eat moderately, the preferable thing is to eat more times a day but in minor quantity, it is recommended to eat 5 times a day, dividing the meal in: The first food, it has breakfast, meal, has an afternoon snack and has dinner.

6. Meats: if you like the meat, prefers the lean meat or the white meats. Avoid the pig. Whenever you eat meat, combine it with some fresh salad of vegetables and do not drink any sweetened drink.

7. To bake, to roast and to cook steamed: Avoid to fry the food since you kill all its nourishing value from them. The best thing is to roast the meats and the vegetables to cook them steamed, of preference to eat hangovers.

8. It combines appropriately the food: Avoids to mix the fruits with another meal, since their sugar ferments the nutritive skittle producing alcohol, which would mean that it is as if you were consuming alcohol but without taking it. Do not also mix a protein and a carbohydrate in the same meal, since they need different types of acidity of the gastric juices each one is digested. The best thing is to eat one or other one, changing them in the meals.

9. Ingredient: Avoid all the products that contain sugar processed and prefers the molasses, the honey of bee and the brown sugar that they are much healthier. The sugar refined the only thing that it does in your organism is to turn into excess weight since it lacks all nourishing value, also, it is an irritant of the nervous and glandular system, the consumption of this product degenerates these systems and causes many problems of health.

10. Before having breakfast, drink a juice of only one fruit, which is fresh and without adding sugar. The best at this hour of the morning are of limo, grape, orange, pineapple or plum, which will help to purify your blood.

Example of a Menu following this beginning of healing based on the food:

THE FIRST FOOD (fast): juice of a lemon, reduced in half a cup of lukewarm water.

BREAKFAST: Oats prepared with milk of Soya and sweetened with molasses.

MEAL: Salad of fresh vegetables or steamed, accompanied of tender Lima beans or it swallows cooked. To drink tea of mint or of Manzanilla. Also you can choose to eat roast fish prepared with grasses, olive oil or yogurt native. The fish suggests itself to eat it 2 or three times per week, when one does not eat another meat. Another example of meal would be a soup of vegetables or chicken.

HALF AN EVENING: Salad of fruits with seeds of sunflower or linen. For this salad, chooses 2 or three fruits, trying that are already being all sweet or acid fruits, not to combine them.

DINNER: Vegetables steamed: chooses between carrots, chayote, spinach beets, eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli, etc. You can choose also to take toasted integral bread with cottage cheese

Advisable food:

* The integral rice is a marvelous source of minerals, vitamins and fiber. Replace it with the refined rice, it is not very difficult to prepare and relented is worth while.
* The kelps are marvelous source of minerals and vitamin. The seaweed Spirulina is rich in beta-carotene (precursor of the vitamin A), fluorine, potassium, calcium, etc.

* The tumbleweed in one of the cereals that head the list of the food of the future for its rich content in essential amino acids and calcium, in addition to a long list of vitamins and nutrients.

* Vegetable milk: they are being the healthy alternative to the milk of cow.

Tags: The healing by means of the food, 10 tips of healing based on the food 


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Professor Dr. Abdul Samad Musafir, PhD in Alternative Medicines is a brilliant researcher and an International author of many books. He is acclaimed as the Prince of Healing and is recipient of Quaid-e-Azam Gold Medal Award. Acknowledged as one of the golden personalities of Pakistan he is founder of Zheel Sciences Institute, SAMDA Products Private Limited and is also the President of SAMADA Welfare Trust.

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