One of several techniques is that they explain.
Vibrational Breath
This type of breathing has been practiced in Japan since ancient times and is usually performed under waterfalls and so joins the cleaning effect of breathing with the water falling on the body.
It is an exercise that brings great benefits. Hado breathing helps to release lower vibrational energy, raises our level of vital energy, deeply relaxing, produces a cleansing and harmonization of the chakras.
How to Do It:
"We take our usual position of meditation and the back straight.
"We place the hands on your lap looking up and relax the whole body.
-Observe a moment to breathe in silence.
"Then, inspired with all the lung capacity and to remove air pronounce the sound" Haaa ", elongating as much as we can. With practice you will get more time to extend the sound.
"For every breath your full attention to the breath and sound, if we disperse, softly refocus on the sound.
"We repeat this breathing as often as we see fit.
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