How Does Yoga Treats The Depression | Yoga Heals Depression

First of all to say to you that if you are depressed, the way of the yoga (together with the treatment of some professional of the health) is a hard way, but that really it extracts you of the well in which you are. I say it principally because in the depression, one usually gives very much the case to be badly, but in the fund to be to taste in the situation in which you are, and not wanting to fight to go out. If it is you who prefer being like that there, but if I say to you that it is possible to be better, not better  and accidentally to attract attention, of course, you have to throw a pair of.....

In the majority of the cases the alone psychotherapy makes you less bad, but he does not treat you. It cannot come so much to the interior of your being, as the meditation can come. Let's say that the psychotherapy studies in depth the skin and little meat of the apple, and on the other hand the yoga comes up to the pips (your deeper I. Let's say also that the psychotherapy extracts you of the well, but the yoga extracts you and raises you to the heights, from what the well remains more remote.

Good, in this article I would like to count a little my experience, speaking about the topic in question: " How does the depression treat the yoga?.

My odyssey began fourteen months ago. Yes really. Only I take this time with the yoga, but of course, like you will see further on of very intensive form.

I began as I already commented on you, with an exercise before the meals. What more cost me at first was to breathe for the nose (in the yoga it is always breathed by the nose), since it had her completely blocked, and this is the first advice that I give you: always to breathe for the nose, you will notice that you will be much better..

To a few weeks I was dominating the topic, and I was feeling a bit better. When you are so badly, any thing, for minim that is, you feel good. One day, as I commented already, began a siesta, or rather I fell asleep placidly, and ..............., had no nightmares. I woke up I throw a phenomenon saying " here there is something is spent by it ". Earlier it had nightmares every night; right now I have sleep but pleasant and better rest.

This way I was a few weeks, but then I already began to do finished meetings. Here already the thing was started complicating. It was not flexible at all, and it was difficult to me frightfulness to do certain positions. In addition, I have the fatal knees. But good, I overcame also this test. Bear in mind that we were speaking about a person of hundred kilos; the drops of perspiration were falling down one to me behind other one. It had to be continuously with the towel, but I was cheering up the intuition of which this was going to be fine.

Then I began with yoga and ....... meditation. I did not know absolutely anything about meditation, from what I asked a well-known person, who was already taking a time pondering, that as it was doing.

At first the suitable position was putting myself and doing not finding, I was getting bored, looking the clock at every five minutes. I started by pondering little (what one usually does at first) twenty minutes (which was making me to him the longest).

All these phases my psychologist was indicating them to me, and simultaneously mainly of yoga.

When he saw me that he was controlling the yoga and the meditation, which went approximately to the month of beginning with him, put me the big test: hour and a half of meditation, hour and a half of yoga in the morning, and hour and a quarter of yoga more half hour of meditation in the evening. Practically five hours between yoga and meditation a day. He was saying to me " you have no option, or you do this or return to the place from which you have come ". That is to say, almost I did a retirement.

There are many people who only does yoga, and also many people who only does meditation. With the time I have learned that this, it is a marriage that cannot separate in the life. " The yoga treats you of inside it was doing out and the meditation treats you of out inwards ". I explain myself: the yoga puts you in good functioning your body, endocrine system, digestive system, etc., then that makes you feel good. The meditation, when you should feel at first alone you think superficial things, but little by little you are getting into the deepest of your being (it is as if they were putting you a mirror). The sea that was waved, becomes smooth and transparent and you can see the fund, and see really what exists below. The normal thing is to ponder half an hour, but I like pondering a little more, because these minutes of more (10 or 20) are of those that more you make use of the whole meeting (it is when you see this fund of clearer sea).

I started by getting up at seven o'clock in the morning, and the truth is that "physically" it did not cost me work (it was going already one month in vegetarian plan, and taking a few things (spiraling, Nonie, fluoride), which were giving me a few enormous energies. Of course on having been so fat, it was using two T-shirts in every meeting (also it coincided that it was a summer).

Then I saw that it was controlling the thing, and started myself raising at six o'clock. And here it was when the yoga and the meditation were starting doing the maximum of effect. One will never forget me, and there it was when I believed already completely in the yoga, one evening after the meeting and the meditation, that I felt immensely, tremendously and ligament ......... HAPPILY. Such age the feeling, which I said to my wife who did not want to have dinner and went away to a park a little bit to observe simply, the trees, the people, the sound of the wind, etc. I was feeling completely connected to everything, and completely " here and now ". This is what is known as " lighting " that happens with more years of yoga, but that God did me to me this gift, so that it was continuing with what it was doing.

I threw myself this way two months, without failing either one evening or one morning, and ................., DISCOVERED THE HAPPINESS. In these two months I lost next to twenty kilos. I it is a little scared, but I saw that nothing was happening, of course he me was laughing because they were happening for the street and the people who knew, he saw that was not recognizing me. It is clear that my family and social life, it changed and was shy radically, but that is that what he needed, they were simply two things: Energy (yoga) and mental balance (meditation). Also it served me also to discover a fundamental thing: " Do not arrange first the things of out, he arranges first those of inside ".

Then I was another two more months, but it was already trumping some evening that other one. Here my teacher already started scolding me. In the mornings it was trumping few ones, because it was known what me was approaching if it was not doing it.

So far the nice part, now we go with the bad one. I in the meditations there was times that they were falling down to me tears as handles, other times I had to stop and to embrace strongly the mat of meditation of the anxiety that it had. Sometimes I was conquered by not black, but horrifying and monstrous thoughts, and I had to go to bed and to happen the whole day there (always with the pill under the language). Here I feel it for all my family, for the bad thing that they spent it.

There were days that he could not speak with my teacher of the bad thing who was. That is to say the yoga and the meditation are not the potion of Asterix, which acts immediately. They are doing effect little by little, but they are soaking through depth. There will never forget me three words that he was always insisting me: " PATIENCE, ACCEPTANCE AND CONFIDENCE ".

To overcome this phase I compare it after a rabid dog has to domesticate (your low I, your ego, etc. (as you want to call it) the one that continuously has negative thoughts since it feeds of them, and he is always thinking about the past and future of negative form, and to want to dominate it simply with your hands (yoga and meditation). You might use gloves (pills), but thus there would no be intimate contact between whom you believe that you are, and whom you are actually. That is to say to dominate it and " to know it, to conquer it and especially to accept it ", you have to hurt yourself and bleed enough.

The way of the healing across the yoga and the meditation, is not easy. But once you start seeing the least aggressive dog, you are dominating it, and there comes a time in which you control it. " You are capable of observing the one that thinks ". You already know that it is there and when he thinks something, simply you say, it will be dumb boy and veto round there. When you come at this level, it is when it begins the real healing, but: eye!, there starts teaching the teeth to that we have the big luck of having a chronic depression, since you are careless one day without yoga, the dog, and if you are careless two, it already starts giving you snacks and you spend it really badly, because you had already got accustomed to being well.

I himself, on the same morning, on having been leave medication from already a few days, have seen as there was appearing the dog, the dark side or since you want to call it. In other occasions I had faced to (with what would give him more force), another option might have been to bend the head, and that had given to me tortuous. But on the other hand not, I have chosen to change of room, and think simply what he was thinking it was not real, from what the storm has happened. (Some frogs of the Amazons remain completely immobile when they see to a snake, and this raisin of length).

The yoga and the meditation raise you. That " you have no depression ", you need to do less yoga and meditation. This is like the one that has to climb a mountain of hundred meters. You depart from 50 or 60 meters, but we it is not that we depart from 0 meters, we depart from less 50 meters. But on the other hand, for that you do not suffer depression to say to you that there has been big personages in the history who have suffered big depressions. That is to say, it is not anything of now. I say it also because we have to have some advantage: not?.

I right now do hour and a half of yoga, and 50 minutes of meditation in the morning, and 40 minutes of meditation to the evening. This nobody has forced me, but simply I have verified that " in my body and mind ", it works of marvel with this meeting of the morning, and makes me be especially the morning very well. In the evening I am well, but already at the last hour I am with a bit of anxiety (but only a little), from what I do another meditation, which calms me and gives me enough happiness (after that has done of the morning the effect it is much major), it does that it has less anxiety on having eaten in the dinner (with which I sleep better, and I get up better on the following day).

To say to you that I am much better, that I cheer you up on which you practice " Integral Yoga ", (I am doing a teacher's course of integral yoga and me phenomenon goes) and that as my teacher says: " in my situation of every thousand, only one is saved ", from what I have been lucky very much and that's why they put me the name yogic of " Sankar ", which means that precisely ....... luck (a word that you cannot even imagine what it means for me. I have happened of being able to have been under ground, to be not already on the ground, but to be flying for the sky, but ..............., thanks to the daily practice of the yoga).

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Professor Dr. Abdul Samad Musafir, PhD in Alternative Medicines is a brilliant researcher and an International author of many books. He is acclaimed as the Prince of Healing and is recipient of Quaid-e-Azam Gold Medal Award. Acknowledged as one of the golden personalities of Pakistan he is founder of Zheel Sciences Institute, SAMDA Products Private Limited and is also the President of SAMADA Welfare Trust.

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