How To Fight With Anxiety | Depression And Anxiety Disorders In Women

That we have suffered attacks of anxiety, we know to what we are referring, although as in any illness different grades exist. I leave you with a series of obtained councils of the book: " Stop to the anxiety! of Ricardo Ros ".

The anxiety is only a wrong way that has our mind, our thought, of being related to the reality.

It is a confused and distorted way of seeing the reality. The persons who have anxiety confuse the representation that does his thought, with what it happens to them in the reality itself. They "know" intellectually and rationally, that this is not the reality, but that they cannot avoid to "feel" a nonexistent reality, which produces to them fear and anxiety.

If the anxiety is so the result of a thought distorted on the reality, the "solution" to the anxiety it consists of doing that the brain understands that these thoughts " are not the reality ", but a simple representation of the reality.

That is to say, in your reality motives do not exist so that you have anxiety.

Any change supposes an effort. The brain repeats, and repeats, and repeats, repeatedly, the whole process that leads to the anxiety. They are repetitive ringlets. To break this process is not difficult, but it is necessary to leave out, to do the things of a different way. You have to accept and especially "believe" that alternative routes exist to leave out of the well-known way. Only this way you have possibilities of ending once and for all with the anxiety.

First of all, the best method and infallible is the meditation. If, at first you will not stop thinking, you will be and bear a little time, but he thinks that quite what comes to the head is the fruit of everything what you have in the deepest of your being, only that now you make it conscious, and of more intense form. Do not lose heart at first, your ego will say to you thousand times that that does not serve for anything, but you " in your thirteen ", he continues and conquers the ego. One day you will be surprised at blow, in which the things start changing, and will not know how not why.

Another option is to do regularly already ready-to-wear meetings of relaxation, in the first hour of the morning and in the first hour of the evening.

We are not victims of the world that we see, but of the world seen by us. It is difficult, but we have to change what is within reach of our sight in the real world. " If I can change my vision of the things, because I have to be able on me himself ".

The happiness consists of extracting yield to the small things of the daily life, to living in the present. The happiness also consists of opening the others to you, of happening, of sharing you with the others. The sense is in your interior when you open and communicate with your similar ones. This is the door. But not the whole world is ready to open it.

You cannot be free, if you do not open to " other values " that are not the materials. To be free for something, it does that the human being could put distance with the environment and not be allowed to influence by him.

The disorientated persons, that there are losses, which are seen in processes of anxiety or depression, actually for what they are looking desperately is this sense to the life.

The not lived time is a lost time. The meaningless life is to be dead in life. We can look for sense to the life from a lot of perspectives, from the reason, from the science, from the religion … .Pero the sense of the life only can be reached from the full and intimate conscience of the personal contact with the reality. Every life has his sense that he has to learn personally, which he has to believe and to create.

Veto to walking to a park, to the field or to the beach. Sit down calmly and notice what it enters your eyes. He observes the things, the persons, the animals that happen in front of your eyes. Do not do judgments of value, simply observe. Do not speak with you him, do not say anything to yourself. Only he observes, without critiques, without comments. Do not leak the reality, leave that there is such which without you to manipulate nothing. Think neither about the future nor in the past, it is not worth while, you are not going to obtain anything good and yes, very much badly. Do not do to yourself plans to any more than one minute seen.

If you live this way, you will have energy for what really lacking, that you will need it for more important things, and it is not another thing than to give exact response to the problems that raises the life, when to come really.

Another route to treat the anxiety is to accept it, and as a car, she sees rapid in the occasions that you could, and raises the foot in those who you are more delicate. Look at it as an illness, and do not look for faults for what you have it. You have it and it is already.

We have right to live with a depression, with a process of anxiety, with a state of insecurity. The depression will help us to understand our past, the anxiety to stop living in the future and the insecurity to look for other ways of stabilizing the present.

The life is full of changes and contrasts, and the mental balance consists of being able to distinguish between thought and reality.

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Professor Dr. Abdul Samad Musafir, PhD in Alternative Medicines is a brilliant researcher and an International author of many books. He is acclaimed as the Prince of Healing and is recipient of Quaid-e-Azam Gold Medal Award. Acknowledged as one of the golden personalities of Pakistan he is founder of Zheel Sciences Institute, SAMDA Products Private Limited and is also the President of SAMADA Welfare Trust.

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