Powerful Ways To Naturally Increase Energy

1. Get connected with your intention.

I have just got up of the bed. Yesterday evening I decided that I was going away to early awakening to be useful the first hour of the morning of this Saturday, before the awakening of my daughter, to write. Almost that the sheets gain and I do not achieve it. But fortunately, I remembered in the last moment, before closing the eyes again and curled up of side, to rise to me a question: why am I going to get up to writing? In my mind there began to arise responses connected to my intention, to my desire to achieve a target, to the motives that were impelling me to put oneself of foot for advancing in the culmination of my book ' The POWER TO ACHIEVE what you want '. Immediately my energy rose. It was this question, that of the intention of the action to executing, which allowed me to light my energy. If your intention, why do you do what you do, it is connected by your passion, you have a powerful formula of energy inside you. When you do what excites and fills with enthusiasm you, your energy flows naturally and retro aliment with your actions. Meanwhile more approach your passion, more energy you will experiment.

What excites you? What moves you? Why to raise your energy?

2. Focus in the result that you want to achieve.

Not to know was doing to where we go us it wears out. The action without intention and direction is a loss of energy. Everything begins in spite of having clear the vision of the result that you want to achieve. The persons of success have a habit in common: they face his acting according to results. They always have a clear response in relation to what they want to achieve. This vision provides to them the necessary approach for to concentrate his time and actions in the achievement of his goals. When you face yourself towards your goals and feel that you every day it brings you over to them, your energy grows. You feel in control of your life and your auto-esteem becomes stronger.

What do you want to achieve? What are your goals? What is your vision?

3. He finds your " I can ".

You always can. It is possible that you could not do or achieve what you want in the moment that you are wishing it. But always you can do something.

Two days ago it was dictating a workshop on " Vida's Balance and Work " for executives and personnel of Microsoft in Lima, Peru. One of them me approached to rise to me a question:

- " Much of what you have said sounds very well and it would be ideal. But, what raisin when one cannot do changes in his life. When is one already married, with children and a mortgage, unable to take risks as the commitment towards yours: what bundles? "

I answered him: " I understand you. Also I am in this moment in a stage in my life in which I do not have the capacity of risk that it had earlier. Nevertheless, he remembers: the most important thing is not where you are, but which is your direction.

Although it is possible that we do not have the aptitude to change rapidly where we are, we can always modify our direction. It is simple: our direction is determined, in the first instance, by our thoughts. What we think precedes our actions and these our results. It changes your thoughts and little by little you will begin to obtain new results. And this, my dear friend, is something that we can always do: to choose new thoughts. With this alone and simple fact, you have the power to initiate the change that you want to see in your life. "

If you cannot do big changes in this moment: what small transformations yes are in your power? Modifications that allow you to be changing the course to point towards the wished destination.

To direct your life to the vision that in the fund you wish can need big energy. But as to move the whole ship of hundreds of tons, everything begins for a small change. Do not concentrate in your " I cannot ". We all have them. Nevertheless, it is in ours " I can ", for small that are, where there is our power to forward our life. "

He remembers: your approach determines your level of energy.

In what do you usually focus? In what you cannot or in what yes you can? Get connected with your " I can " and you will be feeding your energy.

4. He finds the faith in you himself.

Yesterday it reached a workshop of two days organized by one of my clients of the oil industry, in which I took part as consultant for his design and as co-facilitator of the process. For this workshop, one of the resources that was used in a didactic way was the movie Chariots of Fire. There were chosen diverse fragments in which several were reflected of the concepts to be employed at the event. In one of the chosen scenes, Eric Liddell speaks before a multitude congregated under the rain. Liddell, who was a religious shepherd, speaks on the similarity between the faith and a career.

" Wherefrom does the force come to us to come until the end of the career when we already believe that we cannot? It comes of inside. "

The faith is perhaps, along with the passion, one of the most powerful forces to which the human being can get connected. It is an interior resource that allows you to go further away. It is on having got connected with the faith when you can construct what today is not known. The faith is the supreme gasoline. Get connected with her, decide to believe in something beyond the visible thing and you will feel an energy that will accompany you up to the achievement of your vision.

5. Move in a different way.

What is first: the egg or the hen? The same we can wonder on the energy and the movement. Obviously we need from energy to produce movement. Simultaneously, the movement for yes same is a generator of energy. Do not you continue hoping sometimes that your sensation of vitality should arise to put yourself in action? In practice, very feasibly, which you need is to put yourself in movement, in physical action, to mobilize your energy and to make her rise. Your level of energy has direct bearing to the way as you move. Do you lack energy? It means that you lack movement. Do not wait to having it to put yourself in action. Just do it! As he says the famous slogan of Nike.

Do you want to transform your energy? Do in this moment this movement and shout " ¡ yes!!! ". He explores your body. It plays with your aptitude to move you to increase your energy. Do not wait to having it. Sometimes it is simply "stagnant" and waiting because you should activate your physiology to be able to flow and to expand.

6. It changes your expression.

At the end of the decade of 1980 maniac realized a very interesting experiment with depressive patients. It was very simple: in the walls of the common rooms of the clinic where the patients were imprisoned, they placed numerous mirrors. To these persons were given a simple instruction: " whenever you are opposite to your reflex, he smiles. It does not import if you feel like to do it. The only thing that you have to do is flexional the muscles of your like face as when one smiles ".

The results were surprising. After a few weeks, several of the patients had already expressed visible changes in his frame of mind. The depression seemed to dissolve as these persons were incorporating the habit of smiling several times a day.

What was happening? How was this possible? The muscles of your face work as tourniquets, facilitating or diminishing the step of the blood towards the frontal zone of your brain. If your tensions, frustrations or bitterness's turn out to be reflected in the rigidity of your face, the blood flow and the level of oxygen that comes to him to your brain turns out to be limited. On having smiled, 32 muscles of your face pump a major level of oxygen to the central lobes. This stimulates the secretion of endorphins, hormones neuron ales that there induce states of pleasure which begin to resist patterns of depression, sadness, apathy, anger.

Imagine: free Prozac!! And with a wonderful side effect: others will return you his smiles on having seen you. So the prescription is simple: laugh more often. Even, you can prove to do Moresque to intensify your doses of endorphins.

7. He breathes differently.

One of the first physiological responses that changes when you're emotional transforms is the respiration. For example, when you begin to extricate to breathe it is tightened and becomes less and less deep. When you get excited … well, already you know. When you need to inject your instantaneous energy, it uses the beginning of changing the body to influence your emotional on having breathed differently in a deliberate way.

How do you breathe when you are full of energy and vitality? How do you breathe when you are in your best moments? If you inhale and exhale as when you are in these states, you will begin to feel this energy. He remembers that your energy comes from your cells; particularly of these minuscule factories of cellular energy called mitochondria's. In them and along with the injection of oxygen given by your respiration, the glucose it is transformed into energy. More oxygen in your organism across a deep respiration is translated in a major generation of energy. Your brain also feeds from oxygen and to having filled it with him, your aptitude to be alert and I wake up, it increases. There becomes oxygenated your body - breathing deeply, exercising or making love - and fill with vitality. Not in vain for many philosophies and systems of oriental life, the respiration is your connection with the energy of the universe.

8. He ponders.

Speaking about oriental practices, the meditation is an excellent way of taking care and of promoting your energy. When I learned to ponder, I began to verify something that my instructor of meditation had already warned me: he needed less hours of sleep. The meditation recharges us and in many cases, it helps us to liberate us of what is blocking our energy. Many types of meditation exist. A way of doing it you is concentrating in your respiration as it "anchors" for your mind. Simply you close your eyes and place your attention in the process and the sensations of you to breathe. Without thinking about how to change anything, but rather being a witness of your process, in a few minutes you concentrate softly in you to breathe. Prove it. It closes your eyes and simply he breathes for approximately 3 to 5 minutes. We go, give yourself these minutes. Offer yourself this mini-rest … and the gustatory begins to seize him to the meditation.

9. Rise to yourself questions that promote you.

What is wrong your life? for!! Do not do it, do not think it. Rapid! Put a smile, extract the language.

What things do they inspire you? What makes vibrate your soul and lights your passion? What aspects yes does one find under your control? What yes can you do today - for small that is your action - to improve your life? How are you going to increase your aptitude to advance towards your goals? Whom do you love? Who loves you?

I bet you that you experienced a change of energy between the moment when leister the first question (of scarcely fractions of second, I wait) and the following ones. He remembers,

it is very simple: you frequent questions determine your approach; that one with what you get connected, impact your energy. He designs your own questions potencies. It uses consciously the power that they have to direct your mind to the thoughts that nourish and raise you your vibration.

10. Get connected with inspiring emotions.

Some movies upset us. It is when they turn out to be expressed magisterial for the magic of the performance, the scenery and the musical legation, moments that shoot intense emotions. I cry on having seen some of these scenes. Although not so much as Carol, my wife: when I have the watery eyes, already she is crying to stretched snot. There are movies, books, biographies and histories that show us the power of the faith, the determination, the love, the hope; they inspire us across the sample of other human beings that they have dreamed, conquered and arisen. Remember these scenes that thrilled you and use them as inspiration for what you have to do, overcome and manage.

Passion, love, conviction, victory, courage, faith, determination, compassion, happiness, … when we allow ourselves to touch for these emotions we have not enthusiasm left different that to feel inspired by the human nobility. That one herself that resides in you.

11. It consumes food that give you energy instead of reducing you.

I have to confess something to you. It does a pair of hours I had lunch a big dish of pasta and I still feel heavy. In fact, my body asked me to sleep a siesta after similar eater. Really, it was a counter-example of what I want to share with you. The digestion is the second one of the biological functions that more energy consumes. The first one? Sex!

When you consume food and the digestive process goes off, your body needs to dedicate big part of his energy to the prosecution and transformation of the consumed. If the meal is not particularly "amicable" to your body, the required energy is enormous. So much so it gives you sleep, you feel heavy and you are provoked not to do anything in a good moment. Without entering details on nutrition and feeding (since it is a complex topic), yes I want to communicate to you the following thing: if you want to optimize your energy and to support the necessary levels of vitality to achieve your targets, it is important to choose consciously what you eat.

It is impressive how sometimes we take care more what we give " of eating " to our car than to our own body. The gasoline of the wrong octane number would reduce potency to the engine and the oil of bad quality can it would diminish the life of the same one. Your body is composed of million tiny energy engines on which there depends your life and your aptitude to be in action: your cells. They also it needs from the "gasoline" of the suitable octane number and of the "oil" that allows them to work in ideal conditions. Nevertheless, there is who little imports for them what they consume. What you eat is not innocent; it has an impact on your biochemistry and ultimately on your vitality.

What is more valuable, your car or your body? How is the quality of the "gasoline" that you give him to your body?

12. Do physical exercise.

The exercise helps to strengthen your organs and to support your internal systems working in ideal state. If you do exercises appropriately, after doing them, you will feel with more energy. Sometimes I have felt tired and on the verge of postponing my meeting of weight. But once I do them, I feel how it turns the energy to my body. Prove what exercises they serve you to wake up your vitality and use them as a resource to support your health and energy in high place.

13. Assure to yourself a quality rest.

To have more energy, sometimes what you need is to stop a little bit. It is logical: on having rested, you recover of the lost energy. It takes care that your sleep is a repairer. If it it is not, it thinks about how to do changes in your ambience that help you to achieve it. You can make your quarter darker, to buy a few better pillows or to open the windows to improve the ventilation. For a sleep repairer, it is important to help to that the mind " falls asleep " to the sound of your body. He tries not to see programs of high visual impact not psychologically just before falling asleep. As well as perhaps

in the morning you need of a few minutes " to warm your engines ", make sure to yourself also a process to be lowering the mental revolutions before sleeping. Disconnect you of the day. Already what you could do today you did it. Of having remained slightly hanging, you cannot solve it but see you tomorrow. Therefore, skeletal. make it calm and rather, get connected with what can induce you pleasant emotions before falling down in your dream world. For this, you can do to yourself these questions when you are already stretched out and with the subdued lights: what have I enjoyed today? How has this day contributed to the achievement of my goals? What have I learned today? What have I given today? Of what can I be grateful? And sweet sleep …

14. It stimulates your senses.

Light and colors … music … waters down … smell of cinnamon … breeze touching your skin. To stimulate your senses increases your energy. It can be so simple as to light a light; or better even, to go out to allow that the reflex of the solar light should stimulate your eyes. It proves to listen to a music that inspires you or take a cold and refreshing glass of water or juice of fruits. It inspires a stimulant aroma or allow your skin to be stimulated by sensations that help you to raise the level of alert. Finally, so simple things to wake up your senses as you to water fry in the face, they can do a positive difference in a moment in which you feel that your energy goes in sting.

15. Hydrate you!

6 to 10 glasses a day is the recommended for the doctors. Deepak Chopra suggests to load with you at all times a water bottle with the target to take gulps every 20 to 30 minutes during the whole day. Your body is composed in 70 % of water. It is not a surprise to think that it depends on this liquid valued to work in excellent conditions. When your brain shoots the sensation of thirst, already it is late: your body is in process of dehydration. And when this happens, your energy falls down. Do not depend on the sign of thirst to consume water. Rather it develops the habit of consuming this liquid continuously during the day. Clear that you will go more frequently to the bath, but you will be cleaning your organism and will supporting his level of energy.

16. Get connected with the nature.

The city alive where, Caracas, is surrounded in his north boundary by a few beautiful mountains to which they are met by the name of " The Ávila ". Practically from any point of the city you can observe the stateliness of these hills. On having contemplated the green silhouette of his peaks in contrast with the blue intense one of the sky, immediately my lungs expand to breathe deeply and my energy arises. I imagine that slightly similar debit to happen to you when you contact the nature, as for example to you give the gift of observing and feeling a beautiful scenery. The nature projects a magic that penetrates in you, stimulating your senses and taking to thoughts with high doses of inspiration. The waves breaking on the coast; the flocks of birds furrowing the sky to the evening; rubbing the fresh breeze in your face; the aroma of the flowers; singing the crickets; the beautiful colors orange of the clouds when the sun goes down.

When was it the last time that really you got connected with the nature? For what are you waiting to repeat it?

17. It takes time to be alone.

Sometimes you need to recover your center. Is not it true? I refer to giving you a moment to be alone and to place your mind and emotions. To reflect, to allow you to feel and reconcentrate with what is more important. Or simply, to find response to pressing questions in the knowledge of the silence. I refer to really being with you, not with the TV set and not even with a book. Only with your thoughts and you to feel. From the silence it arises what you want to say. Of the calm bud what you have to do. On having been still, you make possible the reunion with your being. For. He is quiet. Centre. Allow you to be, allow you to be. It is in the silence better when you can listen to your intuition; it is in this space that you can meet again your center, your north, your essence, your depth, your power.

In three minutes, stop reading and you afford to be in silence. Simply … He Breathes. He feels. And from the silence … it arises again to operate your truth.

18. Get connected with the energy of other persons.

As my friend and excellent lecturer Eduardo Marti says, there are persons who are a waste pipe, while others are a source. Waste pipe there are who, on having contacted you, leave you with less energy of which you had earlier. They are persons claimants, often negative, cynical. Do you meet anybody like that? Source there are who you soften of new energies. There are individual in general positives and enthusiasts who also show a genuine interest in you. When you go out of being in his company, you feel like with the overloaded batteries. The persons with whom you surround yourself impact an your energy. It takes care of whom you accompany yourself and particularly, when you sit the need to raise your vitality, he looks for those who are a source. Skylight is, they will be there for you in the measurement in which you also are more a source who drains off.

19. It achieves a goal or closes an important cycle.

Yesterday in the night it was checking my list of goals for the week that it is finishing. I began to mark those results that it had managed to generate during the week. Whenever he was recognizing the achievement of one of my goals, he was feeling that my energy was increasing. It is strange, but only made of doing the mark of "completed" it seemed to shoot a jet of endorphins in our brain. So much this way, that sometimes I add him things to my list of results and actions for my day or week that it did not have initially, but that I have already done. In spite of only marking it like completed, I experience a psychological injection of energy. Care: to complete your goals be able to become addictive!

20. Liberate you of something.

Your energy can be consumed by persons, situations or even goals that are not aligned by your vision of life. Goals of the type " I should ". Matters or hanging conversations. That  you even have not solved but which keeps on jumping to your memory. Situations that are not as you want but have been tolerating, at the cost of your own well-being. You design on projects or activities that you want to realize, but on which you have not done yet anything. It can be a memory, a cycle that remains opened, the idea for the dinner of next week, which you do not like of other or the product that you are for throwing to the market. All this consumes energy. He imagines that your mind has 100 units of attention. These units represent your aptitude to assign a portion of your mental energy to process or only to remember something. In the measurement in which these units disperse after many things have present in your head, your mental energy diminishes. He imagines the following mental inventory:

* 20 units of attention assigned to the hanging things.

* 12 units caught in the thoughts on the conversation that you even have not decided to have.

* 14 units focused in what you are tolerating of your partner and before which you have not come to an agreement.

* 18 units taking charge feeding your fear before the challenge that you are for taking up office, thinking about the worst thing.

* 19 units located in exhausting processes of thought on things out of your control.

* 3 units concentrated on the memory of the light bulb of the corridor that you have for changing (certainly, this reminds to me that I have that …)

How much have you left? Scarcely 14 units of attention to dedicate him to the enjoyment of your life and the achievement of your goals! Release. Liberate you. It identifies what him is remaining to your energy and value is not adding you. Write it. He decides. It acts. It jumps. It resolves. He negotiates. He forgets. He accepts. On having done it, you will recover energy and will increase your aptitude to focus it in what allows you to achieve major satisfaction and productiveness.

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Professor Dr. Abdul Samad Musafir, PhD in Alternative Medicines is a brilliant researcher and an International author of many books. He is acclaimed as the Prince of Healing and is recipient of Quaid-e-Azam Gold Medal Award. Acknowledged as one of the golden personalities of Pakistan he is founder of Zheel Sciences Institute, SAMDA Products Private Limited and is also the President of SAMADA Welfare Trust.

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