Chi Kung: The Chinese Art of Mastering Energy | An Introduction To Tai Chi Chi Kung

Qi recounts To - " vital breath " one the energy that everything and man Al cheers universe up In particular. Gong recounts " work " To-. Gong of Qi (Chi Kung) means work on the vital energy.

Kung Chi El Derives from skills more Antigua known as Dao Yin. Term the-Qigong is relatively recent, no it was used in his spent sense until current XXth century. In a beginning it designated his martial use (1915, 1929). No it is up 1936 that it uses paragraph to designate his therapeutic application in the Therapeutic specific work paragraph the tuberculosis: Chi Kung de Dong the-Hao, published in Hangzhou. In December, 1955, of Chinese department she health recognized officially interest the therapeutic one of Chi Kung and recommended his practice.

At present there is used the term Chi Kung (Qi Gong) to refer to multiple exercises destined to develop ends force (physical, energy, mental or spiritual) or to therapeutic, by means of the mobilization of the human energy (Qi).

The exercises of Chi Kung that are practiced as me complement Thai Chi Chuan, are usually soft, although an intense work is realized. They get together with the respiration and the meditation. They activate the metabolism safely although it is not advisable to practice them without the instruction of a qualified person.

For his immediate effects (ventilation, euphoria) it gives the sensation that it is an exercise of effects similar for which we wait for the western ones although actually the looked effects are more complex and less apparent in the short term.

" Using the mind, the respiration and the movements of the body, Chi Kung, it activates the circulation of the energy across the meridians, strengthens the internal organs, exercises the bones, the joints and the muscles, promotes the relaxation and the control of the stress, prepares occupational injuries and expands the conscience in all the levels. "

Gaspar García

Zhan Zhuang, Yi Jin Jing, Baduan Jin and Wu Qin Xi, are some popular forms of Chi Kung.

The target of Chi Kung is to strengthen the body and the generation of the energy (chi) that cheers it up. To liberate of obstructions the flow of the above mentioned energy and to direct her to where it is necessary according to the end that it is chased (therapeutic, martial or spiritual). For it Chi Kung cultivates the " Three Treasures ": Chi (vital energy), Jing (essence) and Shen (spirit).

Chi Kung can be static or dynamic. Static Chi Kung can be carried out of foot (Zhan Zhuang) or seated (Baduan Jin). Dynamic Chi Kung can be carried out without displacement (Baduan Jin) or with displacement (Wu Qin Xi).

The different types of Chi Kung have influences of Taoist type, Buddhist, confucionista, medically or martial, influences that they cross and share in many cases.

The exercises of Chi Kung developed in the monasteries, so much Buddhists as Taoists. It gives Mo, reformer of the temple Shaolin, introduced a few exercises with the purpose of improving the vitality of the monks, taking them to the " way of the way " and separating them of the ascetic excesses, in line with the original doctrines of the Buddhism. Exercises which last end was the achievement of his spiritual goal. In the same line, linked to a therapeutic purpose and also spiritual different skills developed inside the current Taoist, characterized by the search of the physical longevity by means of the conservation and the development of the energy internal and linked to the interior alchemy or Nei Dan " Internal Elixir ". Both doctrines, as well as the Confucianism they made use of the ancient practices of Dao Yin. His influence is observed between other aspects in the way of using the Yi (the mind / will) in the exercises, for indicating one of them.

The kungfu, term with which they are named the Chinese martial arts was an evolution of Chi Kung applied to the self-defense.

According to the chased ends the exercises of Chi Kung can be much more complex and intense than the practiced ones in a meeting for beginners of Thai Chi Chuan. In Castilian there have been published diverse books of Yang Jwing-Ming and Mantak Chia in those who describe some practices of advanced Chi Kung.

Thai Chi Chuan in yes same is a Chi Kung and his practice differs from other types of Chi Kung not only for the external form of the exercises but in the form in that faces the mobilization of the Chi. Every type of Chi Kung is finished in yes same with regard to his ends and inside every type there exist different forms as the level of learning.

For the traditional martial arts the term chi kung does not have great sense. In the martial arts there is realized a Nei Kung (internal work) that is inseparable of the martial art. It assumes to the communist government the artificial creation of the concept of Thai Chi Chi Kung as something separated from the martial practice. This way in the previous paragraphs it would be more appropriate to speak about Nei Kung than about Chi Kung.

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